We are able to design inductive components on specific customer’s technical requirements.

F.E.EM. offers its customers an accurate service to design transformers and inductors that operate in any industrial power electronics application for frequencies from 50 Hz to 500 kHz.


  • Complete electromagnetic design, prototyping and components production
  • Production of custom electromagnetic components based on customer’s specification
  • Electromagnetic products trading

In particular, over the years, it has gained great experience in the study of electromagnetic products for renewable energies, traction, automotive, naval and military sectors as well as historical areas such as industrial welding, winding for brushless motors , synergic chargers and induction heating systems.

Our team checks the technical requirements for the realization of each product from the electromagnetic calculation and the design of the mechanical parts. The business organization is structured according to the ISO certification guidelines, for monitoring the quality and documentation of business processes (from technical department, purchasing, production and commercial and administrative management) to ensure the traceability of components, maximize the effectiveness of each stage in the management of the order.

F.E.EM. provides a complete analysis of all electromagnetic characteristics related to graphics and drawings made with 3D software.

By consulting our site you can provide basic technical data for product sizing


Three-Phases Reactor certification according to EN 61558-2-20: 2000-11


  • Single Phase Transformers
  • Three Phase Transformers
  • Single Phase Autotransformers
  • Three Phase Autotransformers
  • Single Phase Inductances
  • Three Phase Inductances
  • Flat Windings
  • Windings for Brushless Motors
Trasformatori induttori avvolgimenti costa rame alluminio alta frequenza bassa frequenza induttanza reattanza filtri reactors 50/60 Hz trifase monofase convertitori elettronici switching saldatura pfc conduttori Inductor winding transformers copper high aluminum high frequency low frequency induction reactor filters 50/60 Hz three phase single phase converters electronic switching welding pfc conductors Преобразователи индуктивной обмотки медные высокоалюминиевые высокочастотные низкочастотные индуктивные реактивные фильтры 50/60 Гц трехфазные однофазные преобразователи электронная коммутирующая сварка pfc проводники Induktor Wicklung Transformatoren Kupfer hohe Aluminium Hochfrequenz-Niederfrequenz-Induktions-Reaktor-Filter 50/60 Hz Drei-Phasen-Einphasen-Wandler elektronische Schaltschweißen pfc Leiter Transformateurs d'enroulement d'inductance Filtres à réacteur à induction à basse fréquence à haute fréquence en aluminium à haute fréquence Filtres à réacteur à induction à basse fréquence 50/60 Hz Convertisseurs monophasés triphasés triphasés Commutateurs à commande électronique Pfc Transformadores de inducción de inducción cobre alto aluminio de alta frecuencia de baja frecuencia reactores de inducción de inducción 50/60 Hz trifásico monofásico convertidores conmutación electrónica de soldadura pfc conductores feem feemwindings varazze italia italie italy